::S K Y  T E A C H I N G S: GREECE::

August 26th- September 1st, 2017

Greece is a home of ancient wisdom, bridging people to the divinity of the stars and themselves; igniting ancient memory. Sky Teachings brings us to Aegina, Greece, one of the Saronic islands, approximately 17 miles from Athens. Aegina, known as the "Invisible Goddess" in mythology, calls us into the mists of our own divine mystery. Keep reading to know the  m a g i c …




Retreat with us for a week on the beautiful island of Aegina. Explore the sacred communion between Earth and Sky through this magical immersion. Vegetarian meals sourced from the local gardens will be provided. Engage in daily movement, yoga, and meditation while overlooking the water. Embark upon temple excursions and visit sacred sites where we will be praying with the land under the guardianship of the Goddess Aegina. Dive into the wisdom teachings and ancient rites of the Seven Gates, Sound Journeys, and Shamanic Healing. Relax your body, mind, and soul with sungazing meditations and swims in the crystalline waters of the Aegean Sea. Meet kindred souls and make lifelong connections on the sacred island of Aegina, the first capital of Greece.

 ::Where:: The seaside Apollo Hotel,  on the Agia Marina Bay 

::When:: A u g u s t 26th - S e p t e m b e r 1st

::Why:: To learn, to explore, to love, of course!

::The Offering::

+Three daily meals included with the exception of arrival and departure days. A welcome snack, plus dinner will be served upon arriving and a bon voyage snack to send you off fully nourished. Excursions are optional and additional. Taxi rides are estimated between 35 and 40E and fit up to 4 people. 


Day 1::Saturday, 8/26

3 check-in

5:30 opening ceremony by the water

7 dinner

8:30 Wisdom Teaching: Altar  & Altar Building// Yoga & Gate 1 Meditation Muladhara 

Day 2::Sunday, 8/27

6:30 Sunrise

Yoga & Meditation // Gate 2 Meditation Svadhisthana 

9:15 Breakfast

10:00- 1:30 Wisdom Teaching : Forgiveness /  Light it Up 

2 Lunch Big Lunch

3-7 Free Time

8pm Meditation 

Day 3::Monday 8/28

10:15 Breakfast & Integration //

11:30- 12:30pm Meditation // Gate 3 Meditation Manipura

12:30pm Free Time- Optional Excursion to Mount Oros-Zeus

2 Lunch

4-7 Wisdom Teaching : Flower Healing Teaching

7 Dinner

8 Sunset

8:30-11:30  Flower Healing Ceremony

Day 4::Tuesday, 8/29

6:30 Sunrise

7: 00- 9:15 Light Body & Meditation // Gate 4 Meditation : Anahata 

9:15 Breakfast

10:30-1:30 Free Time- Optional Excursion to Temple of Aphaea

2:00pm  Lunch

3-7:00pm Gratitude Water Sound Healing Ceremony 

7:45 pm Dinner / Picnic  

Day 5::Wednesday, 8/30

6:30 Sunrise

7:00am-9:15am Yoga & Meditation / Meditation Gate 5 : Vissuddha

9:15am-10:00  Breakfast

10:00 -2:00pm: Wisdom Teaching  : Authentic Expression / Voice 

2 Lunch Big Lunch

3:00pm - 7:00pm Free Time // Rest

8:00pm  Sunset

8:30 pm Meditation

Day 6::Thursday, 8/31

6:30 Sunrise

10:15 Breakfast and Integration

11:00 Meditation : Meditation Gate 6 

12:00 -2:00pm Free Time

2 Lunch

3-7 Free Time-Sacred Olive Grove Wisdom Teaching // Movement Practice : Amerta 

7 Dinner

8 Sunset Closing Honoring Ceremony

Day 7::Friday, 9/1

6:30 Sunrise

Yoga M & Meditation: Meditation Gate 7 : Sahasrara 

9:15 Breakfast

Single, garden view $1500

Shared, garden view $1250

::10% O F F  for those traveling to Sky Teachings with friends:: Use Promo Code: FRIENDS at checkout

Discounts are not applicable to payment plans and cannot be combined.

Payment plans: $500 non-refundable deposit to reserve your space. All payment plans must be paid in full by July 26th

Last day to register in full is August 12th

+Email nicole@nicoleadrianacasanova.com to book your spot+

Important information concerning booking your airplane ticket
When you book your airplane ticket, take care that you are not arriving much later than 15:00 and leaving, on the way back, earlier than 12:00. Otherwise you will not be able to make it to the island the same day, or are able to reach the airport in time. Have in mind that the boat timetables can vary according to the season.

Non-Refundable Deposit
from $1,250.00