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Emergence : Building Shamanic Communities in the Now Age

  • Golden Drum 97 Green Street Brooklyn, NY, 11222 United States (map)

Human Beings are inherently tribal. Since time immemorial, people have banded together to accomplish what a single person working in isolation could not do. First for survival, then agriculture, then architecture, then the arts, the orders, the sciences... Civilizations are built upon the Great Work offered by the community. The word community actually means "common ownership", implying that each person in the collective is equally responsible and integral to the whole. With the rise of consciousness in the age of information, a reemergence of Shamanic Communities is being seen all over the world. People are once again seeing the value of the community in redefining concepts of civilization and self identity at a pivotal time in the human story.

The Golden Drum is happy to host Ruby Warrington for an illuminating interview of Maestro Manuel Rufino and Shaman Durek. In this intimate and talk, you will hear first hand how Maestro Manuel Rufino and Shaman Durek have co-visioned and activated communities all over the world. Following the panel, Maestro Manuel's students will share an immersive and visionary shamanic sound healing with Dream Seed, and will close the evening with Shaman Durek offering Shamanic Tongues, an ancient tradition of sacred words and songs for healing.

The Golden Drum Community will also be offering a Tribal Indigenous Market, selling wares from their many pilgrimages and travels around the world as well as offerings crafted by the community. Doors open at 6:30pm, come enjoy the Tribal Market and beautiful Ayurvedic Food for sale by the Assemblage. Talk begins around 7:00pm.


Maestro Manuel Rufino is a recognized elder in the Taino tradition and World Director of M.A.I.S.C. He is a spiritual guide, gifted ceremonial leader and teacher of sacred initiatic traditions of the world. Maestro Manuel is also an artist, certified iridologist, naturo-therapist, vegetarian chef & the visionary guiding the Golden Drum community and many vegetarian restaurants including Jungle Café in Brooklyn. Guided by his teacher, Maestro Domingo Dias Porta, Maestro Manuel has been following the trails of indigenous healing arts for over 40 years. Maestro Manuel travels around the world sharing initiatic traditions, leading workshops, lectures, sweat lodges and healing rituals.

In 2010 Maestro Manuel and a number of his students opened Golden Drum as a space for sacred traditions in New York City. Founded to give voice to the worldview of Native Americans, indigenous peoples and the esoteric schools, Golden Drum features living representatives and students of these great traditions.


 is a 3rd generation West African shaman who has devoted decades to study and practice in becoming a thought leader and spiritual enthusiast for people all over the world. His focus is educating people on how to make shamanism a lifestyle choice for evolutionary adaptation. He is an author, activist and a women’s empowerment leader.


Ruby Warrington is Founder of conscious lifestyle platform The Numinous, where all things "new age" are made relevant for life in the Now Age. A British journalist based in Brooklyn, NY, she is the former Features Editor of the UK Sunday Times Stylemagazine, while her first book, Material Girl, Mystical World, is out now on Harper Collins. Part memoir, part guide to thriving in the Now Age, the book has been described by Arianna Huffington as: "helping to redefine success for the 21st Century," and details Ruby's own transformational journey using the tools and practices she brings to life with her online spiritual mentoring program, Moon Club.


Dream Seed is a sound healing ensemble created by members of Golden Drum, Sacred Arts Research Foundation, and Didge Project. Shamanic chanting, mantras, overtone singing, Native American songs, indigenous music, didgeridoos, crystal singing bowls, bells, gongs, harmoniums, tuning forks and other overtone-emitting instruments are used to create an environment conducive to deep relaxation and inward investigation. 

Members of Dream Seed are students of Maestro Manuel Rufino active organizers of the Golden Drum and the Sacred Arts Research Foundation communities. With his blessing, DreamSeed was created as a vehicle with which to share the music of sacred traditions of the world.

100 % Vegan Kosher Organic Food for sale by the Jungle Cafe

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