The breath is a teacher. It is medicine, and our connection to both the physical and non-physical realms. It is a light that can penetrate deep within, helping us see what our unconscious minds have forgotten or have hidden from us. Conscious breathing helps us heal trauma, tension and pain that gets stored in the body over time. It can calm an overactive mind, inspire a new vision, prepare us for sleep, or wake us up to a new day.
In times of uncertainty, the breath is an anchor that can keep us grounded , focused, and healthy. It is a direct reflection of how we feel and how our body is functioning. As we learn to take control of our breath, we learn to take control of how we respond to what’s happening in our lives.
Join Avery Whitmore and Nicole Adriana Casanova for a two day exploration and introductory dive into Breath Work for Self Healing. Acquire foundational tools for a strong practice that promotes deep relaxation, inner peace, and equanimity.
Day 1:
Opening circle
Intention Setting Ceremony
Introduction to Sacred Space Setting and working with an Altar.
History of Breathwork & Pranayama
Anatomy of the Breath
Intro to Ayurveda for Self Healing
Breathwork Practice
Integration Session
Day 2:
Opening Sound Meditation
The Breath and The Mind
Different types of breathing
Traditional Breath Practices
Intro to Breathwork and Trauma Release
Creating a sustainable Self Practice
Early Bird (before 11/1) $189.00
After 11/2 $222.00