
Hard edges can be softened by love. 

This weekend we saw the heart of humanity rise and unite across the globe. We marched for freedom. For black freedom. For women's freedom. For Mexican and Muslim freedom. For LGBT freedom. For the freedom of choice. For native freedom. For the freedom of all people. 

In the fallout of this tremendous beauty, I have heard whispers. Whispers of judgement. Whispers of hatred. Whispers of intolerance. 

Intolerance of intolerance is not tolerance. 

Let's be clear- no one is welcoming bullies over here, but hateful speech toward any group or person- even hateful groups of people- works to diminishe the power of of a remarkably powerful movement. We do not have to go there. 

Hateful speech and thoughts is a function of black magic. The effect of which is like praying for our most terrible nightmare to come to us. 

We are responsible for the effect we have on others. We are responsible for our actions and their influence whether or not we are aware of what we are doing. 

Look around. The movements emerging are in service of life and not against it. They want to protect, empower, integrate, disclose... these times have been prophesied. 

As such, it's important to stay centered. And as much as we can and without creating unnecessary friction, we have to keep ourselves- and each other- in integrity with our shared vision for a peaceful world. This includes everyone.

Tolerance speaks to endurance and fortitude. A desire to stay connected despite disparate ideologies. We judge what we do not understand. It's vital to point out that understanding and agreement are not the same thing. 

Accepting people who share our general views of the world is obvious. What requires significantly more discipline and humility is creating safe space for the other.  Being compassionate enough to hold those who are suffering enough to cause suffering for others in the same light as we would our family, our friends, and those whom we admire. This is a function of white magic. 

The punctuation of this age will be staggering, great light, deep shadow...

Dedicate time to keeping the inspiration and action high. Honor yourself. Serve your community. Cultivate beauty. It might seem like work at first, but like anything through practice it becomes second nature.

Thank you to all of the people who are radiating light for this amazing world we live in, in the myriad ways it manifests, it's all beautiful and needed. May our paths toward peace be protected.

Clear Mind. Pure Heart. Open Body.